Reasons to submit your abstract
Save your paper for DIAEGYPT 2022 Congress
6 Good reasons to submit your abstract
Global networking
Discuss your findings with other experts from around the world
Your name will be recognized in the online program
Develop your presentation skills, an essential competence for advancing you career. It is an added value to your resume to make you stand out among other candidates
Be Creative
Share your presentation as either poster or power point presentation
Opportunity for publication
Accepted abstracts will be published in supplement of the international Journal
Opportunity for oral presentation
Authors of outstanding abstracts will have the opportunity to present their work in diverse sessions at the Congress
Before Submitting your abstract
please read carefully the guidelines
- Presenter age should be less than 40 years
- Title should be descriptive of the research
- Title shouldn’t be repeated in the abstract’s objective
- Follow the instructions (word count approximately equals 250 words )
- The propose , findings and conclusions should fit to logically
- Active voice should be used rather than passive voice
- Undefined abbreviations shouldn’t be used
- Unnecessary words shouldn’t be used , for example: in order to investigate replace it with “to investigate”
Reasons to submit your abstract

Abstract should contain 1-2 sentences each on
- Background
- Objective
- Methods
- Results
- Conclusion
- Keywords
Accepted Abstracts benefits:
Free Communications sessions
The presentation time for all free communications is 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes of discussion. All presentations need to be prepared as PowerPoint.
Posters will be displayed
The Paper Selection Committee will select the best abstract presented by youngdiabetologist (less than 40 years of age) and an award will be given.The abstract submission site will be opening in June 2020. Please check back then for the link to submit your science!